As Jesus followers we are called into the Kingdom Life. This blog will help us converse and learn what that means. It will contain thoughts on Scripture, Sermon Reflection, Leadership Training and interesting reads. -Pastor Jeff

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Unexpected Cancellation

Read Romans 6:15-23
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." vs. 23

A few years back, I had been receiving a bill from a company that had made error after error. I had sent in paperwork, talked to management, exhausted every avenue I could to get this account settled. They had been demanding $500 on a bill that I had received no services for. I was at my wits end. Out of frustration, I called the company one more time and was in the process of very calmly describing my issue with one of the customer service representatives. In a very unhelpful manner she told me, "There is nothing I can do, you will have to pay the bill or we are taking you to collections."

Now what happened next, many of you won't believe, but I am telling you the truth...

I sunk back in my chair and whispered the prayer, "Father, could you do something about this." Then a moment later I hear on the other end of the line..."Uhhh, wait a minute. Sir, I am going to have to put you on hold." I sat there for what seemed like forever. Then the voice on the other end of the line returned. "Ummm, uhhh, sir, I don't know what to tell you. As we were talking my screen flashed, crashed, and died. When I brought it back up, I looked up your account and it was gone. Sir, there is absolutely no record of you having ever done business with us. I couldn't so much as pull up your phone number if I wanted to." "Oh, Ok," I said grinning from ear to ear.

I got off the phone, turned to my wife and said, "It's a God thing when your debt is unexpectedly cancelled."

You know that is sort of the picture of what happens in our relationship with God. Before we can understand forgiveness with one another, we have to catch a glimpse of the forgiveness of God - and its magnitude.  When the gift of conviction settles in, we become painfully aware of our sin, the damage it has caused, and the ways in which it has destroyed relationships with God and neighbor. So there we sit, frustrated by the debt our sin has racked up.  Knowing something must be done, but recognizing our own bankruptcy.  Looking at a bill we can't pay. Wondering if there is anything we can do to make it go away...knowing full well we are stuck with the payment. 

And we pray, "God is there anything you can do about this?" - our confession of need

Then all of a sudden, enter stage right-the cross of Jesus Christ. Through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, the tally that we'd amassed is dealt with.  The screen flashes, it crashes and aphiemi.  Aphiemi is the Greek word for the cancellation of debt (Forgiveness). When the screen comes back up...our sin is gone. Our debt is gone...there is no record of it.

In the forgiveness of God...all that we have ever done is wiped clean. We no longer have to pay on the has been taken care of.  In fact, it is so thorough that God keeps no record of it (remember 1 Cor. 13-love keeps no record of wrongs).  Grace is the unexpected cancellation of that which we could have never afforded to pay. Grace is the gift of wiping away our tab.  Grace is God going beyond what should have been done, to ensure the bill is taken care of for us.  Grace is a cross nailed full of our bills, carrying them to death. Grace is the fresh start we have through new life after debt! Grace is the gift of "forgiveness."

Remember...God was forced to do none of this.  It was purely an act of grace.  Forgiveness is a gift that often refuses to ask the question of "who deserves this."  

As we move forward throughout this week...the forgiveness of God in our lives must always be at work in our hearts an minds.  It's the bedrock for our forgiveness with others.  Take some time today to reflect upon its meaning and its importance in your life.  

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