As Jesus followers we are called into the Kingdom Life. This blog will help us converse and learn what that means. It will contain thoughts on Scripture, Sermon Reflection, Leadership Training and interesting reads. -Pastor Jeff

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Slow Down

(Note the Following Blog Post Contains information that may have more fingers pointing at me than you.)
Let’s face it, we live in a fast-paced, frantic, frenzied world.  What is our typical response when someone asks how we are doing?  “Very busy!”  We sort of wear our busyness around like a badge of an honor.  Being busy means getting stuff done.  It means we are important, that people need us.  It  means we are going somewhere.  Unfortunately, living the frenzied life can often hinder the infectious nature of the gospel in our lives.  For the faith to be contagious, we must be willing to slow down and intentionally engage God and the world around us in a deliberate and measured way.

What happens when we are too busy?  We don’t make time for God to shape and form our lives.  The gospel is contagious as the people of God reflect that gospel in authentic and consistent ways.  That’s not something we can manufacture on our own.  Sure, we can be moral.  However, being moral and reflecting the grace of Jesus in this world are two very different things.  If we aren’t intentional in making time for God in our lives, we have a bent toward pride, impatience, insensitivity, unforgiveness, indifference, and frustration.  Inevitably, these will display themselves in some manner or another.  Making time for God allows God to search the deep places in our souls and make the necessary corrections.  Making time for God places us in His hands trusting that He is faithful to work out in our lives what He has started.  Making time for God gives space to the Spirit of God to shape us to look more like Jesus. 

When we are too busy, we have no room for others.  The gospel is contagious as people feel valued by the God of the gospel.  How do they feel valued?  They feel valued by the intentional time we take with them.  There are folks around us each and every day that are broken and hurting.  When we as Christians are “too busy,” we rush past them without any thought or concern, leaving them to wallow in their isolation and struggle.  How are those that feel neglected by Christians supposed to believe that what we have to share is good news if it makes no time or room for them?  The gospel is contagious as we slow down and really “see” those around us. 

A contagious gospel starts as we slow down, as we find a pace and rhythm of life that makes space for both God and for others.  Folks aren’t drawn to a life that seems as frenzied and frantic as the life they already live.  People are yearning for a life of peace.  I long to live the kind of life that after having spent considerable time with God says to others, “I have time for you.”  Perhaps a purposeful rhythm creates an atmosphere where the gospel becomes contagious. 

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