As Jesus followers we are called into the Kingdom Life. This blog will help us converse and learn what that means. It will contain thoughts on Scripture, Sermon Reflection, Leadership Training and interesting reads. -Pastor Jeff

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Olly, Olly Ox in Free

Read Psalm 139

“Where can I go from Your Spirit?  Or where can I flee from your presence?” v. 7

Our hearts raced.  Our muscles tightened.  With every ounce of self-restraint we attempted to still our breath, calm our heaving chests.  For a moment, we attempted to blend in, to become one with the bush under which we were hiding.  We wanted to be the wood pile, climb as high as we could up the tree, settle into that one place on the property that no one would think to look.  We were masters of the outdoors, stealthy and nimble.  We could wait it out as the poor soul, the only one not hiding, went from place to place attempting to "find us out."  After they'd pass, we'd breathe sigh of relief.  Our hiding spot was safe. 

As children we used to play games like hide-and-go-seek or kick the can.  At the end of each round the person who was tagged “it” would yell, “olly, olly ox in free.”  Truthfully, I have no idea where that comes from, but is was a sign to all those still hiding that it was safe to come to base.  At a very early age we are taught to hide from one another.  As we grow older the games become a bit more serious.  

Our hiding takes on new levels of deception.  

We try to hide our hurt, our pain, our evil thoughts and wicked actions.  We hide from our friends, our family, our spouse, and we even try to hide from God.  Somewhere inside we've convinced ourselves that if we can just keep the deep, dark places of our lives hidden, we will be safe.  This is an inherited trait from our first parents, Adam and Eve.  After sinning in the garden in chapter 3 of Genesis, the first thing they did was go and hide among the trees.  I wonder what trees you are hiding behind?

To come out from hiding makes us vulnerable.  It often requires confession.  We put a lot on the line when we come out of hiding.  When we open up, bear our souls, and with humility announce, "This is who I am."  We know better than anyone the dark corners of our lives that we'd prefer no one else to know, those places of self-doubt and insecurity, of prejudice and lust, of anger and resentment.  Unfortunately, we often hide in plain sight.  We hide behind the masks we wear, the jobs we have, the houses we buy.  We hide behind the false smiles and the fake laughs.  But nonetheless, we do our best to remain hidden.  

Even when hiding is a very lonely place, we still work hard to remain hidden.  Adam and Eve did. 

But alas, their plan was foiled for God went to them in the garden.  He went out looking for them.  He was searching for them but not in anger.  He was searching for them because He'd created them to live out in the open with him, full disclosure.  And God is really good at searching.  Our story tells us that God “found them out.” 

Repentance is God's invitation, his announcement "Olly, Olly Ox in free!" and it happens as we realize there is no hiding from God’s presence.  What we do and who we are is quite evident to God.  He knows us inside and out.  You’ve been “found out.”  Come on out from your hiding spot and lay it all before the one who desires to bring healing and restoration into your life.  One of the biblical writers, John, makes a promise to us.  "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

Getting Real:
1.)  What are you trying to hide from the Lord and from others?

2.)  What are you afraid that if God found out, He'd love you less? 

Pray with Me...

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.

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