As Jesus followers we are called into the Kingdom Life. This blog will help us converse and learn what that means. It will contain thoughts on Scripture, Sermon Reflection, Leadership Training and interesting reads. -Pastor Jeff

Friday, December 25, 2015

In a Moment, In a Manger

It changed
                as the radiant beams of God’s Glory
                                Leapt up
                From the most humble of circumstances
God’s Invasion of Grace

In a moment
In a manger

God punches through
                the veil that appeared to divide
                the Divine from the Down-Trodden
                the Holy from the Lowly
                the Eternal from the Time-Bound

In a moment
In a manger

God Himself
                In Son Jesus Christ
                Dawns the Fragility of Flesh
                                Everything Changes

Because in that moment
In that manger

God would no longer be thought
                Only…for us
                Now…God with us
                God Himself
                                In Son Jesus Christ
                                Walking miles and miles
                                In the worn-through soles of our shoes
                                In the tattered garb of human frailty
                                Through the broken shards of earth-born living

In a moment
In a manger
Distance spanned
Division Eclipsed

The King from on High
                Had now come low
                Condescending to us
                                And we…
                Accosted, scandalized, captivated
                By the simplicity
                                Of the One that Comes
                                Not as conquering ruler
                                                Suffering Servant
                                                As lowly peasant
                                                As One…like us
                                                As One…for us
                                                As One…with us

Who in a moment
In a manger
Wearing our Flesh
Filling our Fragility
Sanctifying our Skin

                In Coming to be as we are
                Makes possible
                                Our coming to be like He is

Yes Holy…
For this Invasion of Grace
Is not complete
In a moment
In a manger

                This moment is the set-up
                For moments to come
                                Of teaching
                                                Sending…of God Himself
                                                In Spirit
                                                That he is no longer
                                                Only God for us
                                                And God with us
                                                But now…God in us

For the One who in a moment
In a manger
Who takes up flesh
Now takes hold of our flesh
Inhabiting our fragility
Laying waste to our resistance
Invading our Space with His Grace
Filling up our Broken Cracks and Empty Places
                With the Glory
                the Radiance
                the Majesty
                of His limitless Grace
                So that in all things
                In all ways
                At all times
                We might become like
                The One who stooped low
                To become like us

In a Moment
In a Manger
Everything Changes
                And that…

                Is the Christmas Miracle.  

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