I can no longer keep quiet.
I’ve tried. I’ve tried through
subtle pastoral influence to challenge many of the current political
assumptions of fear, prejudice, and power-mongering. I’ve been very clear regarding my lack of
support for Donald Trump from the beginning.
However, I’ve not been this vocal until now.
Reading through Facebook, I encountered Dr. James Dobson’s endorsement of Trump and I can no longer keep quiet. I am burdened by the growing Evangelical
pressure to support Trump. I refuse to be
bullied into submission by respected, outspoken, and influential Evangelical
leaders, as though now that the Faith Advisory Committee for Trump’s campaign has
spoken, all other Evangelicals need to get on board. Ben Carson and Jerry Fallwell Jr., “I’m not
buying what your selling.”
I AM now angry.
I AM angry that somehow Evangelical leaders would attempt to
script Trump as the natural choice for Christian leadership in the
country. This makes absolutely no
sense. Support him if you like, but don’t
try to spiritually guilt-trip me into embracing a man whose rhetoric and
positions have consistently gone against my beliefs as an Evangelical
DO NOT try to cast Trump as the clear choice for a candidate
with integrity.
DO NOT use your platform to bully us lesser pastors into
submission and suggest that a failure to vote for Trump would be somehow a collusion
with principalities of evil and darkness.
That is a blatant misuse of your platform.
DO NOT, in stating the names of those on the counsel,
attempt to use their positions and names to somehow justify your decisions. For one thing, as an Evangelical, I have
SUBSTANTIAL theological disagreements with Robert Jeffress and Jerry Falwell
Jr. and refuse to embrace their leadership as somehow binding on my practice of
DO NOT assume that my failure to support Trump is an
endorsement for Clinton. This ridiculous
suggestion made by both parties that somehow a failure to vote for their party
is giving the election to the other is a tactic of fear. That’s not how a democracy works.
I CAN vote for a third party.
I CAN write in a name.
I CAN opt to vote in all sorts of elections and yet protest
the presidential election because my conscience is clear that I cannot vote for
either candidate.
I CAN still have a say if I protest. I have voted in nearly all elections since I
was 18. I continually vote in local and
state elections. I pay taxes. I participate in local organizations and
agencies for the improvement of our communities. I served my country as a veteran. I support our law enforcement and try to
build bridges with those who’ve suffered the abuses of prejudice and injustice.
So DO NOT tell me that because I won’t get in line that I
somehow don’t have a say going forward.
You DO NOT get to make that call.
DO NOT use your platforms and hyperbole as a scare tactic to
the masses. It is precisely these
tactics that have led us to this mess and divisiveness in the first place. Playing on people’s fears with an “over the
top” rhetoric has driven those that could have bridged the divide out of the
election cycle leaving us the two most divisive voices…and YOU ARE playing
right into that.
I will not let my congregation be controlled by the “elite Evangelicals”
who have somehow found their role in scripting a future I believe stands
contrary to the Kingdom of God. I love
my people too much for that.
I WILL NOT SUPPORT either candidate for the presidency of
the United States of America. I DO so as
an act of conscience and protest. I WILL
NOT BE BULLIED into a ridiculous corner by those that still want to use Jesus
and the Christian faith as the baptismal waters for political agendas.
I DO love my people and will continue to do so regardless
who they vote for, because I AM ONE KINGDOM MINDED and it’s not Ceasar’s or any
extension of power and dominance. I WILL
CONTINUE to spread the good news of the Resurrection of Jesus, the Crucifixion,
and the coming Kingdom of my Lord.
I WILL love those our systems alienate.
I WILL stand against injustice, challenge supremacy, and
question motives.
I WILL trust that God’s hand is more sturdy than the flimsy
palms of any political party.
Hopeful that followers of Jesus, no matter the outcome will stand
together in pursuit of God’s vision of the redeeming and healing of all things,
the embrace of the outsiders, the care of the poor and down-trodden, the
feeding of the hungry, and the empowerment of creativity and hope to make a
more peaceful future.
Dr. Dobson, I HAVE
respected you throughout this last 15 years of my Christian life and appreciate
the great difference you’ve made. BUT DO
NOT abuse this influence and play into the fears of the people. YOU KNOW WHO YOUR LORD IS! YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR HOPE LAY! DON’T put all your eggs into that tattered
basket. I have profound respect for
you. I’m glad you’ve been given a voice
but please be aware that you may be scripted into a story that you will one day
wish was never told.
Pastor Jeff Stark
Hopeful/Protesting Pastor